Burglary protection

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Burglary protection
How do you protect your property from crime? In addition to detailed information, you will find addresses of companies that professionally install security technology here.


General information

The police crime statistics record a high number of cases of burglary every year. A burglary can be a drastic experience for those affected and can cause not only material but also great psychological damage. For this reason, the NRW police would like to encourage you to take care of your personal safety and protect yourself against burglary.

Popular points of attack for burglars are all poorly secured building openings (front door, apartment entrance door, balcony doors, patio doors, windows, cellar entrances, etc.). Police experience shows that it is possible to protect yourself against burglary: more than 40% of burglaries are unsuccessful, not least because of security systems.

Burglary protection

In addition to the right behavior, mechanical and electronic security products can also protect against crime, especially burglary.

The effectiveness of these security products is only guaranteed if they are professionally planned and installed. The address lists below and to the right list companies that have committed themselves to professional project planning and installation. In addition to these address lists, citizens and interested companies will find information on the requirements for inclusion in the address list and which obligations have been or must be recognized by the companies included.

Further information on the topic "Prevention of property crime" can be found under the corresponding heading.

Campaign against burglary "Riegel vor! Safe is safer."

In 2011, the NRW police launched the campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer." into being. You can find more information about burglary protection on this page.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110