District and priority service

Citizens' discussion
District and priority service
The Münster police district service maintains contact with citizens, institutions such as kindergartens and schools as well as many organizations. Here you will find the district officers of the North and South district services.

District service
Der Bezirks- und Schwerpunktdienst Nord umfasst folgende Stadtteile: Herz-Jesu, Mauritz-Mitte, Mauritz-Ost, Handorf, Coerde, Rumphorst, Gelmer, Dyckburg, Uppenberg, Kinderhaus-Ost, Kinderhaus-West, Sprakel, Gievenbeck, Sentrup, Roxel, Nienberge, Aegidii, Überwasser, Dom, Buddenturm, Martini, Bahnho...
District service
Die Bezirks- und Schwerpunktdienste Süd umfasst folgende Stadtteile: Hiltrup, Amelsbüren, Gremmendorf, Angelmodde, Wolbeck, Aaseestadt, Geist, Schützenhof, Mecklenbeck, Albachten, Düsberg, Berg Fidel
District service
Road safety work
District service completes the circle of road safety work with pre-school children
Contact officer for Muslim institutions

Barbara Henschel
Police Headquarters Münster
Friesenring 43
48151 Münster

Phone: 0251 275-1010
Mobile: 0172 1040181

Email: kia.muenster [at] polizei.nrw.de (kia[dot]muenster[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110