Crime prevention on site

Crime prevention on site
Here you will find the contact persons of the Münster Police Crime Prevention Department.
Your contact person
Victim protection, prevention of sexualized violence, sexual abuse of children, stalking, domestic violence

0251 275 3102



Your contact person
Prevention of crimes against senior citizens

0251 275 3102


Your contact persons
Burglary protection/technical prevention

0251 275 3115

Telefon: 0251 275 3117


With the work area "prevention-of-cybercrime", we are pursuing the goal of creating awareness of the dangers hidden behind digital technologies. Equally important is raising awareness of how personal data is handled on the internet.


Your contact person
Prevention of child and juvenile delinquency

0251 275 3105

In the "prevention of child and youth crime" section, we focus on counteracting the unlawful behavior of minors. The causes of criminal behavior by children and young people can be very different. The range of possible offenses is also wide and ranges from bullying and theft to assault, among others.


Your contact person
Prevention of politically motivated crime

0251 275 3114

In suspected cases and crimes that could be linked to political or religious motives, relatives, friends, observers and witnesses often have uncertainties and questions.


There is a wide variety of drugs. From a police perspective, the distinction between legal and illegal drugs is crucial for criminal classification. But legal drugs also pose major risks to your health. We at Drug Prevention will be happy to provide you with more information on this and explain the effects of the various drugs, for example.

Your contact person
Preventing violence in the workplace

0251 275 3114

Violence in the workplace can have many different causes and manifestations...


Your contact persons
"Turning the corner"

0251 275 3110

0251 275 3120

Mobil: 0176 218 752 92

0251 275 3120

Mobil: 0176 611 959 87

The preventative approach of 'Kurve kriegen' focuses on children and young people aged 8 and over who are suspected of multiple offences and who are in particular socially problematic situations.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110